Lori>>> Some people have daily vitamins. I have daily abuse. --break Midge>>> If it isn't miss college girl strolling in from another sabbatical. Lori>>> Midge, professors take sabbaticals. I took a weekend. And, I've been out of college a year... [speaking to self] for what little good it's done. --break Lori>>> Although, I do know a pre-med who'd be more than happy to remove that chip from your shoulder. Midge>>> Just watch your back, blondie. The video department is my turf, and if you think I'll let some bimbo muscle in on my commission... Lori>>> Midge? Midge>>> ...what? Lori>>> Why do you do that thing with your face? Midge>>> My face isn't doing anything. Lori>>> Sure it is.. Midge>>> It's light from the TVs. *** Lori pauses, and turns to unplug the wall of monitors. She turns back to face Midge, who's face is still cycling strangely Lori>>> Is it? Midge>>> [stammering] um. i oughta...um... *** Lori turns to camera Midge>>> bitch.